Research Article

A Descriptive Analysis of Theses on Curriculum Studies in Preschool Education

Authors: Fatma Altın - Mehmet Altın

The aim of this study is to descriptively examine the theses on curriculum studies in preschool education. The study was conducted through document analysis, one of qualitative research technique. Collected data from a total of 103 theses were analyzed, and the analyzed data was presented by frequency distributions and percentage values. It was concluded from the research that most of the theses on curriculum studies in preschool education were designed with experimental design. The use of experimental researches in most theses causes the sample sizes not to be very high. So it can be stated that the sample sizes’ not being high due to experimental studies is one of the reasons why normality cannot be achieved in the data. Hence, most of the theses used non-parametric tests. On the other hand, it was determined that while curriculum evaluation models are rarely included in the theses, curriculum development models were not used, at all, on curriculum studies in preschool education.

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