Action Research on the Development of Curriculum Literacy and Curriculum Modeling Skills of Mathematics Teacher Candidates Through the Socratic Seminar Technique
Authors: Ali Yakar
The aim of this research is to develop curriculum literacy and curriculum modeling skills of pre-service mathematics teachers through the Socratic seminar technique. The research was designed as action research. The study was carried out with the participation of 13 teacher candidates studying at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Türkiye, in the Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics Teaching in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 Academic Year. In the study, which was designed using action research, the Socratic seminar technique was applied for a semester within the scope of the Curriculum Development and Instruction course taken by the pre-service mathematics teachers. For the purposes of the research, the data were collected through the Curriculum Literacy Scale developed by Bolat (2017) and the scores obtained as a result of the evaluation of the curriculum development models designed for the teacher candidates by the researcher. Throughout the process, the Curriculum Literacy scores of each teacher candidate participant were measured 7 times, the obtained scores were recorded and analyzed through graphs based on the change that occurred within itself. The curriculum development models designed by the pre-service mathematics teachers were examined throughout the studies carried out during the process, and the development of the participants' skills on this subject was monitored by evaluating them with 3 different scorings. Within the scope of the research, the Curriculum Literacy scores of the pre-service mathematics teachers were analyzed and the effect of the Socratic seminar technique on the change in these scores was examined. The findings obtained in line with the aims of the research showed that there was a desired change and increase in the Curriculum Literacy scores of the mathematics teacher candidates during the teaching process through the Socratic seminar technique. Another finding of the study was that mathematics teacher candidates' ability to create a curriculum model improved through the Socratic seminar technique.
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