A Comparison of Mathematics Teacher Training and Elementary Mathematics Curricula in Finland, South Korea and Türkiye
Authors: Emine Can Yurt
The aim of this study is to carry out a comparative analysis of the student selection for mathematics teacher training institutions pre-service education, employment conditions, inservice training activities in Finland, South Korea and Türkiye as well as that of the curricula used in these countries for elementary mathematics teacher training courses. Document analysis as a qualitative research method and Bereday's comparative model in education were used. The data has been organized, assigned to sub problems and analysed as to the Bereday Method. According to the findings, the importance that Finland and South Korea gives to the selection of applicants for teacher training institutions; their meticulousness for professional development and the place of problem solving and thinking skills in mathematic curricula as of elementary level bring success in mathematics at international exams. In Türkiye, it is recommended to introduce additional criteria covering social work activities and other sorts of activities conducted in high school in addition to the calculation of exam scores for student admission to education faculties, and to enhance teaching practices in terms of both duration and quality. In addition to this, it is considered that it is insufficient to make teacher appointments according to scores obtained, and accordingly, it is necessary to add applied course presentations to the existing appointment criteria.
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