An Analysis of Teacher Self-Efficacy and Teacher Autonomy in Relation to A New Distance Learning Era
Authors: Işılay Ertay - Filiz Yalçın Tılfarlıoğlu
Distance learning is a new-born need for education because of emerging needs like those of the COVID 19 pandemic. Distance learning enables students and teachers to continue education as they do not have to be in the same place. The aim of the study is to find out the relationship among the teacher self-efficacy and teacher autonomy and the proficiency of EBA and its usage. In order to attempt this goal, 408 EFL teachers participated in the study. The participants work at Ministry of Education. The current study utilized quantitative approach. The Teacher sense of Self Efficacy Scale, Teacher Autonomy Scale and EBA proficiency scale were administered to the participants via online platforms. The results revealed that there is a positive correlation between teacher self-efficacy and EBA proficiency of the teachers. (p<0.05) Also, there is a positive relationship between teacher autonomy and EBA proficiency. (p<0.05) Multiple regression analysis indicates that both teacher self-efficacy and teacher autonomy explains 43% of the variance in EBA proficiency and its usage. In a nutshell, the teacher self-efficacy and teacher autonomy have a significant role in EBA proficiency scale. Based on these findings, implications for the research and recommendations for further studies are given.
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